
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Nursery Progress? Nope, not yet.

Okay, so I have pretty much been avoiding the HUGE task of cleaning out the soon-to-be nursery that has been our catch-all storage room since April 2011.  As you can see below, I have A LOT of work to do!  

The futon is already gone (we were just storing it for my baby sister over the summer since we live closer to Purdue than my parents), so that's one less thing I have to think about.  However, I still have a lot that needs sorted through and relocated before baby arrives in January.  As of right now I don't have a set design/theme for the nursery, though I have thrown around several ideas (more on this coming soon!).  We found out baby's gender August 24th and so now that we know the gender I'm super-excited to turn this room into a wonderful place for out little one! (Gender/name reveal coming soon!)

Most of the items cluttering the room fit into these categories:
  • My out of season clothes/clothes I can't fit into due to the pregnancy - some will go to basement others will stay in the closet
  • Items we plan to put in a yard sale this fall - will go to basement
  • Items I need to make a new home for in my office/craft closet - will go downstairs
  • Empty boxes I'm saving for present wrapping/moving - will go to basement
  • Clothes we're going to try to sell at a second hand store - will hopefully all sell, what doesn't sell will go to the yard sale
  • Out of season items:  large space heater, our heavy comforter and electric blanket, etc - since baby is due in January, these items will most likely be in use by the time baby arrives
  • Items we will probably end up either tossing or donating to Goodwill

So excited to start working on the baby's room and to be able to share all my ideas with you all!


  1. Hey, I can come help you relocate items if you want me to! :)

    1. Thank you, Sandra! I will let you know if/when I could use your help. :)
