
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Some Kind of Blogging Wonderful!

Today something very wonderful (in the context of my blog life) happened.  
Something I have been waiting for.  
A day I have been dreaming of since before I even started blogging.  
Something I was starting to wonder if it was every really going to happen.

Check out the wonderfully sweet words Michelle over at Someday Crafts shared about my DIY Chevron Marble Magnets.  I linked these to her Whatever Goes Wednesday link party this week.  Be sure to check out her blog and all the other wonderful party links!

You can see the feature post here

A special thanks to Someday Crafts for the lovely feature and for hosting a great link party!


  1. Congratulations on your feature! Very exciting. I am a rookie blogger as well blog looks great! Now following - Have a wonderful weekend :)

    1. Thank you, Nicole! Before noticing that your blog archive only dates back to May of this year, I would have guessed you'd been blogging for a couple years or so! Your blog looks so well put together and has elements I have no idea how to add (though I'm sure a few minutes of research would teach me more than I ever wanted to know). Thank you so much for the kind and encouraging words and for becoming a follower! I subscribed to your blog Thursday - via e-mail - and am super excited about trying some of your frozen treats! Have a great weekend! :)
