
Friday, October 12, 2012

OperationOrganize: Re-arranging and Re-Organizing Plastic Drawers

This part of the project will probably end up being the most time consuming.  I spent almost an entire morning clearing everything off the floor, organizing all my "stuff" and coming up with an efficient way to put everything back into the closet.

Here's a reminder of what the space looked like before as seen in this post:

This is what our living room looked like while I was working on this project:  A crazy mess!

However, even though our living room was a wreck for a few hours, I was able to start fresh in the closet with an empty, just-vacuumed slate.

Here's what my newly organized and actually functional office/craft closet looks like now!

I'm making progress and was able to cross three tasks (#s 3-5) off my list in one morning!

  1. Hang clear shoe organizer on door to store small office/craft items.         See here!
  2. Develop new system for paper organization.  See here!
  3. Re-arrange plastic drawers so the space is more functional.
  4. Re-organize plastic drawers to maximize space.
  5. Designate space for "Office" and "Craft" supplies, etc. 
  6. Cover cardboard with wrapping paper and place inside drawers to create a streamlined look, concealing the contents of the clearish drawers.  
  7. Add labels so we can easily find what we're looking for.
  8. Paint bottom shelf white.
  9. Spray paint other supply holders so they all match/coordinate.
  10. Hang cork board on wall to hang important notes, pictures, etc.
I still have a fair amount to do, but at least everything is in a place that makes sense and I can fairly easily find what I'm looking for.  Keep following along to see the remainder of the updates I have planned for my office/craft closet!

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Hey! That looks so great! Doesn't that space just make you happy? Awesome work!

    1. Thank you, Jessica! Yes, my newly organized office/craft closet makes me very happy. I used to despise trying to find anything in this closet, now it's a breeze! I can't wait to add all the finishing details. Then it will be an even happier little space! Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a kind and encouraging comment! :)
